Franklin SubStartSC monophase control box

Starting at €95.00

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0.37kW to 2.2kW


Grouped product items
SKU Product Name kW Power (hp) Price
A1.08.402 Franklin control box PSC-0,37-220,230,240-50 0.37 0.5
A1.08.403 Franklin control box PSC-0,55-220,230,240-50 0.55 0.75
A1.08.404 Franklin control box PSC-0,75-220,230,240-50 0.75 1
A1.08.405 Franklin control box PSC-1,1-220,230,240-50 1.1 1.5
A1.08.406 Franklin control box PSC-1,5-220,230,240-50 1.5 2
A1.08.407 Franklin control box CB-2,2-220,230,240-50 2.2 3

More information

The SubStartSC series covers all PSC motors from 0.37kW to 2.2kW of all voltages. The SubStartSC motor has an ergonomic design and attention to detail with IP-54 protection rating

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