Jung Pumpen UK 3 special wastewater submersible pump for salt water

Starting at €438.00

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SKU Product Name Connection Amp kW Ltr./min Free passage mm Head Power (hp) Ltr./min max. Head max Price
C3.06.994 JP submersible pump for saltwater U3K special without float 1.1/4" 1.4 0.2 108 10 6 0.3 108 6
C3.06.996 JP submersible saltwater pump U3KS special with float 1.1/4" 1.4 0.2 108 10 6 0.3 108 6

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The U3K(S) Special is a special edition optimized for specific media. This type is suitable for both fixed installation and mobile use and is also capable of draining aggressive media such as saline water from softening plants, brackish water, condensate from flue gas condenser plants, silage juice, whey or liquid manure.

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