LEO swimming pool pumps type XKP 40mm

Starting at €139.00

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for small swimming pools
Grouped product items
SKU Product Name Connection kW Ltr./min Head Power (hp) Volt Price
A1.15.647 LEO swimming pool pump XKP306 - 0.3kW - 7.5m³/h 40 0.3 0 - 125 8.5 - 0 0.4 230
A1.15.602 LEO swimming pool pump XKP350-2 - 0.35kW - 8m³/h 40 0.35 0 - 133 8.4 - 0 0.45 230
A1.15.648 LEO swimming pool pump XKP456 - 0.45kW - 11.1m³/h 40 0.45 0 - 185 10 - 0 0.6 230

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LEO swimming pool pumps with pre-filter used in small swimming pools. Light pollution is filtered perfectly

Connection 2 x 40mm

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